- Alita: Battle Angel The secret of Zalem - A fans take on
- Alita Appreciation Day
- Alita Media and Merchandise
- Alitastan
- Baby Alita - A Photo Album
- Devilita Chronicles
- Devilita Queen of the Fallen
- Fan Alita Drawings
- Fan art gallery
- Rosa Bianca Salazar Tribute
- The Alita Army
- The Alita Army Defamed as Alt-right by The Independent
- The Alita Army Movement
- The Alitastan Journal Archives
- The Culture of Alitastan
- The Geography of Alitastan
- The History of Alitastan
- The Queen Rosa-Alita
- The Royal Meme Archives
- The future of the Alita: Battle Angel - Movieverse - Notes by James Cameron
- United Republic of Mars
- We Want The AlitaSequel