Alitastan Wiki

Fan Drawings of Alita Movie / Manga characters[]

Each piece is attributed to it's creator and his/her chosen license. If no license is specified, it is default to CC BY-NC license. Refer here for the license details:

Scan UnlockingThePast CC BY-NC

Unlocking the Past, by @bozilla4, license CC BY-NC

Scan Permission CC BY-NC

I don't need you permission to live!, by @bozilla4, license CC BY-NC

Scan Full Metal CC BY-NC

Full Metal, by @bozilla4, license CC BY-NC

Scan First Bite CC BY-NC

First Bite, by @bozilla4, license CC BY-NC

Scan Touch CC BY-NC

Touch him again and I WILL kill you!, by @bozilla4, license CC BY-NC

Scan Coming For You CC BY-NC

Coming For You, by @bozilla4, license CC BY-NC

Scan Rusty Devil CC BY-NC

Rusty Devil, #Inktober, by @bozilla4, license CC BY-NC

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